Why do you need a coach?

Cecile Hemery
5 min readJun 2, 2022

One could say that everybody needs a coach. Here’s why.

The role of a coach is to help you thrive, to support you in achieving goals and overcoming obstacles in your way. The coach helps you figure out a way to overcome obstacles around you, but most importantly, they support you in overcoming obstacles within you.

If you’ve considered working with a coach, let me share some insights that might help you take the step.

If you haven’t considered it, perhaps this will inspire you.

Who needs a coach?

My clients are very diverse, and just some examples of my clients profiles:

  • A Chief Financial Officer deciding when to retire,
  • A Project Manager who’s looking for a more meaningful and spiritual career,
  • An HR Manager in a large corporation who wants to be more assertive,
  • A Game Artist recovering from a toxic work relationship,
  • A Marketing Executive who’s looking to be promoted,
  • A Team Lead who wants to be more clear, direct and concise in her communication style,
  • A DEI Manager looking to be more productive and manage her time better.



Cecile Hemery

Helping Quiet Leaders in Tech and Gaming who feel stuck in their roles to regain confidence and clarity so they can be excited again ✨ 🇬🇧🇫🇷